Welcome to the TUDCTF 2023! The goal of each challenge is to find a piece of text called a 'flag' which looks something like TUDCTF{...} but instead of '...' there will be a secret code. You can earn points by submitting these flags and depending on the difficulty of the challenge you will earn more or fewer points. Particularly, beginner challenges will earn you 16 points, easy 64, intermediate 256 and hard 1024. Only TU Delft students will be elligible for prizes but anyone can participate.

Prizes for TU Delft students

🥇 1st place: 100 euros

🥈 2nd place: 50 euros

🥉 3rd place: 25 euros

📖 best writeup: 25 euros


TU Delft CTF Team

The TU Delft CTF Team is a team organized by staff from the cyber security and algorithmics research groups and ran by students from TU Delft. Last year we finished nr. 1 on the Netherlands' leaderboard of CTFTime. We plan to do the same this year but for that we need your help! We are always looking to involve more TU Delft students in our team so if you participated in our CTF and you liked it please let any of our members know if you are interested in joining our team.

With the team we organize the following events: